Ep. 17 – Hierarchy of Boundaries
Embark on a journey of self-empowerment and professional growth with Episode 17 of Pillar Talk with Chris Ross. This episode introduces the groundbreaking Legacy Hierarchy of Boundaries—a transformative pyramid inspired by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Uncover the secrets to establishing and reinforcing boundaries effectively, guiding you through key pillars: communication, setting boundaries, profound self-understanding, mission alignment, defining priorities, and the empowering exit strategy.
Explore the foundational importance of clear communication and the holistic approach of setting boundaries in all aspects of life. Chris illuminates the significance of aligning personal and professional boundaries, providing practical insights to train others on how to treat you. Learn to define your worth, practice healthy detachment, and understand the limits of control. Elevate your professional self by visualizing goals, eliminating distractions, and prioritizing tasks aligned with your mission.